Legal Notice

  1. Company Identification

    The site (hereinafter the “Site”) is published by the company SME ENTREPRISE, a limited liability company with share capital of 123,483.70 Euros, whose head office is located at 100 RTE DE NIMES 30132 CAISSARGUES and registered in the Nimes Trade and Companies Register under number 393 662 853.

Intracommunity VAT number: FR88393662853

Telephone number: 04 12 30 00 03


Publication Director: Mr. Laurent NICOLAS

  1. Contact

The Customer Service can be reached:

– By internet: via the Contact link on the site _

– By telephone at 04 12 30 00 03 , Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

– By post: SME ENTREPRISE – Customer Service – 100 RTE DE NIMES 30132 CAISSARGUES

  1. Host

The site is hosted at:





UB3 1HA United Kingdom

  1. Intellectual property

The Site is protected by intellectual property rights, in particular copyright, designs and models, trademarks, domain names, patents, know-how, software or databases.

The company SME Entreprise remains the owner of all this content and associated rights.

The company SME Entreprise grants you a limited license for simple access, navigation and use related to this site. This license does not grant you any other rights, in particular to commercial exploitation of this content. The Company SME ENTREPRISE SARL is the exclusive owner of the intellectual property rights relating to the structure and content of the site throughout the world.

All content on the site www. and the elements which compose it, including but not limited to images, logos, texts, graphic charter, videos, etc. are the exclusive property of the company SME ENTREPRISE SARL.
Unless expressly authorized by the company, any use, reproduction, downloading, display, online posting, transmission, representation, total or partial, in any form whatsoever and by any means whatsoever, of the Site or the any of its elements, for purposes and under conditions other than those provided for in article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, is prohibited.
Violation of these mandatory provisions subjects the offender, and all persons responsible, to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by law.

  1. Responsibility

The Company SME ENTREPRISE SARL is not responsible for the content and operation of sites linked to this site, as well as for damages of any nature that may be suffered by the user during a visit to these sites.
Use of this site implies knowledge and acceptance by the user of the characteristics and limits of the Internet and related technologies, the absence of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation or piracy and risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network.
The company SME ENTREPRISE SARL declines all responsibility in the event of misuse or incident linked to the use of the computer, Internet access, maintenance or malfunction of servers, the telephone line or any other technical connection, and the sending of forms to an incorrect or incomplete address, any computer errors or defects noted on the site.

  1. Applicable right
This website is subject to French law.